Telemedicine and Medical Technology
MEYTEC has extensive competences in telemedicine and medical technology. It is a result of the continuous innovative development of the systems and services, long-term experience in implementation of technologies in Germany and overseas as well as close cooperation with medical early adopters.
MEYTEC provides bespoke telemedical solutions on the basis of a stock and requirement analysis as well as the use of modern IT- and ICT-technologies to extend the possibilities of modern medicine and to establish the new field of application by:
The deployment of modern ICT technologies simplifies diagnostic and therapeutic practices; it improves the quality of the health care and availability of the comprehensive medical expertise in general. In the case of emergencies the required medical expertise is also available in underserved areas.
The product line of MEYTEC includes different telemedicine stand-alone systems. The high-performance computer hard- and software components represent current state of the art technologies. They are specially designed for continuous operation in telemedicine and are suitable to be used in close proximity to the patient.
The systems are available in different designs, e.g. as mobile or stationary workstations for use standing or sitting. The end-systems perform transmission, viewing, editing or storage of data in accordance with DICOM standard as well as the high-quality simultaneous video sessions between two or more medical experts. All end-systems are fully interoperable and follow usual standards.
Examples of telemedicine solutions provided by MEYTEC:
Telemedical conference rooms
Audiovisual telemedical conferences are interdisciplinary case conferences for determination of diagnostics and therapy by teams of doctors.
Stationary telemedicine systems
Stationary telemedical systems allow diverse cooperation, especially for deployment in telemedical centers.
Mobile telemedicine systems
Mobile telemedicine systems are often deployed in the prehospital and clinical emergency care. Mobile systems can be moved from and to the examination rooms within the hospital or they can be installed into the emergency vehicles.
Telemedical solutions for OP rooms
Transmission, storage and visualization of medical operations can be performed by telemedical solutions for OP rooms.
Telemedicine network
Secure telemedicine network for medical communication
Effective and secure communication in medicine is more important today than ever before. To that end MEYTEC has established a nationwide telemedicine network MEYNET. The managed Virtual Private Network (VPN) is especially designed for telemedical workflow providing a secure and high-available broadband internet connection between remote hospitals and specialists.
Highlights and scope of services:
- Secure and across locations transfer of medical and patient related data
- High-availability and security of the medical network
- Secure and protected remote access to the required case related data
- Bespoke solution for telemedicine and eHealth
- Transmission of audio and video data for medical purpose in real-time
- Cost-effective special flat or fixed rates
Automotive mobile networks
Automotive LTE or WiFi-router – robust platform for communication in vehicles
MEYTEC is a distribution partner for bintec elmeg GmbH's newly issued H2 Automotive+ Router – a robust platform for in-vehicle communication. Mobile routers are increasingly being deployed in buses, trains and trucks. The fusion of LTE (Long Term Evolution) network and integrated bonding technology for simulating up to 4 mobile data channels provides high available connectivity with the internet and enables new deployment possibilities for company fleets or for passengers on-board.
MEYTEC has implemented a large number of projects and proved the practical capability of several technologies under real conditions for the deployment in health care. After all, the only thing that counts is the total functionality of the complete solution, which should be consistent with modern health care.
Here is an extract of our reference projects, which are equipped with the telemedical technologies provided by MEYTEC.
- ANNOTeM - Akutneurologische Versorgung in Nordostdeutschland mit telemedizinischer Unterstützung
- BeMobil - BMBF-Forschungsprojekt - Bewegungsfähigkeit und Mobilität wiedererlangen
- Forschungsplattform "T(h)era-Diagnostik"
- Frankfurt (KHNW) - Brunei (NSRC) Telebridges
- German TeleClinic - Irkutsk
- HELIOS-Neuronet - Teleneurologisches Netzwerk
- MHH TNN - Teleneurologie-Netzwerk Niedersachsen
- Neuro Netz Mitte
- Neurovaskuläres Netzwerk Südwest (INVAS)
- NEVAS - Das Neurovaskuläre Versorgungsnetzwerk
- NHS - Schlaganfallversorgungsnetzwerke in England
- SATELIT - Schlaganfall Telemedizin Netzwerk in Thüringen
- Schlaganfallnetzwerk, Kantonsspital St.Gallen und Spital Grabs, Schweiz
- SOS-Net - Schlaganfall-Ostsachsen-Netzwerk
- STEMO - Stroke-Einsatz-Mobil
- Stroke-ARTEV - Akute Regionale Telemedizinische Versorgungskette Karlsruhe
- StrokeBack - Telemedicine for Stroke Rehabilitation
- Stroke-Net
- Teleclinic - Haikou Municipal Hospital, China
- Telegesundheits-schwester AGnES
- Teleneurologie UKB - Sana Klinikum Templin
- Teleneurologisches Schlaganfallnetzwerk Heidelberg
- TemeS-RLP - Telemedizinisches Schlaganfallnetzwerks Rheinland-Pfalz
- TEMPiS - Integrierte Schlaganfallversorgung in der Region Süd-Ost-Bayern
- TESAURUS Telemedizin-Netzwerk
- TESSA - Telemedizinisches Schlaganfallnetzwerk Nordwestsachsen
- TNS-NET - Teleneuromedizinisches Schlaganfallnetzwerk Südwestsachsen
- TRANSIT - TRAnsregionales Netzwerk für Schlaganfall Intervention mit Telemedizin
- TRASNA - Telemedicine Rapid Access for Stroke and Neurological Assessment
- VST- Victorian Stroke Telemedicine, Australien